
A country of villages with the occasional big city, Cambodia is about enjoying the simple pleasures of all they have to offer. The people could not be more welcoming. It’s a land where you will eat the best mangos you have ever had in your life and marvel at the fact that they are falling from the trees all over the country. The rapidly expanding and super city of Phnom Penh is often, mistakenly overlooked in favour of Siem Reap. And yet for those interested in a bustling metropolis, with an up and coming food scene and a city that’s really going places, Phnom Penh gets our vote.

The spectacular beaches on some of the islands are unexpected. Scenes more reminiscent of Fiji and the Maldives are a welcome surprise for many visitors and the fact that no one else seems to know about them, an even more welcome surprise!

Whether it’s taking the bamboo train or visiting one of her beautiful islands, it’s about a slower pace of life. At Diamond Skies we want to show you some of the impressive Angkor Wat Temples (there are one thousand of them!), let you enjoy the fun of Siem Reap, but also introduce you to the quieter, more tranquil side of this country be it in the villages or on one of the islands. 

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