Our Aims

Our motto is Travel Better and we mean that in every sense. We want to ensure that travel is a rewarding experience for both the traveller and host country.

Social Responsibility:

Every time you come on a Diamond Skies Trip you are supporting a charity, as we donate a part of what we make to charities we hold close to our hearts. In recent years, the charity to which we have donated is the Malala Foundation. This is an international non-profit organisation that advocates for girls’ education. It was co-founded by Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate, and her father, Ziauddiin.

We hugely admire Malala, both as a person and for her pioneering work and we look forward to a world when girls’ education needs no charitable venture to ensure that girls are offered this basic human right.

Economic Responsibility:

Our trips are created by locals or expats living or who have lived in the country, who employ local staff and contribute to the local economy. We pay people properly to ensure that your trip does not come at their expense. We also recognise that in paying people properly, we are showing how valued they are, and they, in turn, are keen to provide the very best experiences for you, their guests.

We are very environmentally conscious and aware of our footprint. As a predominantly online company, all of our literature, correspondence, marketing etc. is done electronically. Very little is ever printed.

Whenever we travel to visit partners abroad, we offset our carbon footprint using various schemes – such as to plant trees or as a donation to an environmental charity.

We work with hotels who have eco-friendly policies and we are constantly looking at ways we can improve and innovate. We are by no means perfect, but we are always striving to do and be better.

Environmental Responsibility:

The reason we love travel so much, is because it reinforces the notion that the world is an amazing place, full of wonderful people who welcome visitors into their countries and into their hearts. And we love to pay back the generosity of strangers.

We have a sister company, Global Impact Adventures, which is dedicated to service-led trips for students and independent young travellers. We work closely with project partners around the globe to ensure that students’ volunteer work is meaningful and valuable to the local communities.  

However, voluntary work is not just for students, it is something we are able to do at any stage of life and therefore we are currently working on trips for adults to also go and make their mark. Tours which will involve giving back in combination with the chance to visit the country and the opportunity to enjoy all the other wonderful aspects that you would normally experience on a Diamond Skies trip.  

Whether you are an individual traveller, friends, a family or a small group, please do get in touch so we can talk to you more about what possibilities there are, and for further information on the types of projects we work with around the world, please visit our Voluntary Work Trips page.

Voluntary Work Trips