Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average group size?

Whilst we cap our groups at 20, often our groups are actually more like 10-15. Some of our tours for logistical reasons can’t go above a certain number and some just work better at smaller numbers. And as we are about preserving the integrity of the tour, we would rather that the tour ran at a smaller size to ensure the very best experience for everyone.

We do not believe that, as adults, that a bigger group is conducive to a great experience. It’s worth noting that many other travel companies consider 24 to be a small group meaning that the average size of their group tours are often 40-50 people. 

Our smaller group sizes mean that you get to know each other better, often building friendships that last well beyond the trip and that you get to know your tour director better. It also means that you will spend less time waiting, have more time to explore and the opportunity to be able to ask the local guides your questions rather than having to wait your turn in a group of 50. 

are tips included?

On your standard Diamond Skies Trip, tips to local guide, porters and waiters are included in the cost of the trip. This is to ensure you don’t have to think about it and don't have to carry cash around, particularly given that so many countries are becoming more and more cashless.

The only exception to this is your tour manager and touring driver. Upon paying for your trip, you will be offered the opportunity to include the tip for them, so that you don’t have to think about it once on tour. That money then goes directly to the tour manager, which also means you do not have to carry it around. We put in a typical amount that we believe recognises their hard work on tour, where they so often go above and beyond.

Should you wish to give them or any of the above-mentioned people any additional tip, please feel free to do so. We have often been asked if people are offended by being offered a tip; in our experience this is never the case.

Please note, the only exception to the above is on our Malawi and Malawi/Zambia trips, as, for logistical reasons, we are unable to pay the tips. Tips are not included on those trips for staff/driver or tour manager.


One of the things most often complained about by people visiting other countries is the number of other people in the places they are visiting. This is often because everyone tends to travel at exactly the same moment to exactly the same places. Were you to go to these places during off-peak periods, you would be amazed at how very different your experience can be. If you have the freedom to travel at any point of the year, then it’s best to choose your trips in non-peak seasons.

We have chosen trips at times that generally fit outside the very peak travel periods, particularly in Europe which is the area most affected at present.

At Diamond Skies Travel, we believe that we are not here to just sell you trips, we are here to tell you about how to travel better. We are here to do is to advise and guide you. Other travel companies weren’t set up by tour guides and tour managers who have first hand knowledge of what it’s like to be in one of these places during those peak periods. They are not concerned about the impact this will have on your experience as they have never been there to bear witness to it.

This is what makes Diamond Skies Travel different. We do care. We have been there alongside you and we listened to your feedback as well as taking note of our own experiences and feelings about trip quality.

We believe in Responsible Travel and this extends to our responsibility to you, our clients.

In what ways do you give back?

We give a percentage of each trip to various charitable foundations. We have supported the Malala Foundation for years and will continue to do so until all children are granted equal access to education, regardless of gender. Every time you sign up to a trip, you have ‘done your good deed for the day’ as some of that money will go into supporting a child in need.

We also seek to travel sustainably and one of our team did her Masters in sustainable tourism and is therefore our guide on how to make the trips as ethical and sustainable as they can be. We are always seeking to do and be better, both as a company and as people, whilst accepting our inevitable flaws as also part of the human experience.

Please visit our Responsible Travel page for further details on how we are trying to make travel better.

Can Diamond Skies help set up extensions to trips?

Absolutely. We can do everything from just extending your stay pre and post tour in the same hotel should you so wish, to adding on several days or whatever period of time you wish, to your trip. Please contact us to find out more.

What does curated or bespoke mean?

A curated trip is one which is built around your specific needs and desires and is private to just you. Private guides and private drivers dedicated just to you, are part of this among other private experiences on the trip. 

For example, you may decide as a family that you want a trip setting up which engages all members of the family. So we would suggest for example, a bike ride around a city or a fun rickshaw ride, a tile decorating lesson or a pizza making. Or perhaps as a couple you are looking for a trip based around a love of music, food, sailing, horses etc.

 It means that instead of buying a suit off the shelf, you are buying a tailored experience, and whilst you may think that will cost a lot more, we think you will be pleasantly surprised by our competitive prices, so contact us to find out more. 

What do our prices typically include?

A tour manager with you 24/7, 4 and 5* hotels and ‘experience accommodation’ such as luxury pop-up tents in the desert or in the mountains, all activities, local guides and tips for all local services (guides, waiters, porters), entrances, internal flights where required, all transportation, at least two meals a day including a drink with your meal and much, much more. This list is not exhaustive and you should refer to the bottom of each tour to see exactly what is included on your tour.

Most tour companies who advertise lower prices, do not include most of the above. They rely on ‘on-tour’ selling meaning that instead of you having a relaxing time away, you are constantly being upsold. We do not believe that is relaxing or conducive to a lovely break, as it just means more stress whilst away and normally ends up as being far more expensive. Once you are there you are a captive audience and this means you can feel pressured into optionals that you might not want to do.

Our general philosophy is that when on holiday it should be a chance to switch off. We therefore try to include almost everything before you come away so that you don’t have to worry about how much to tip, about having cash on you, and how much to budget for all the added extras.

What kind of people travel with Diamond Skies Travel?

We cater to all ages and to all types of travellers. We have family groups ranging from young children to those in their nineties who are similarly children at heart. We have couples looking to celebrate special anniversaries and people who want to do Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hanukkah differently this year. We have groups of friends looking for fun experiences with luxury hotels. We try to ensure that our trips have something for everyone.

If you are looking for a memorable, rewarding trip full of interesting experiences, then you will love a trip with us.  

What kinds of hotels do you use?

Wherever possible we use boutique hotels and/or hotels that are in some way representative of where they are, or which offer lovely experiences, for examples spa resorts. We use four and five star hotels or their equivalent.

Furthermore, we include experiences which do not neatly fit into the star system, but which are truly unique and add to your trip. For example, in Morocco you could find yourself in a luxury tent in the Sahara, in Costa Rica staying in an eco-lodge by the rainforest, at one with nature, in Malawi you could be in a lodge on a lake or in one of the National parks with animals on your doorstep, or in Italy and France you could find yourself in a castle.

If you visit our hotels page, you can see some example of some of the hotels used on both bespoke and group tours.

what meals and drinks are included?

On a typical Diamond Skies trip, you will have breakfast included every day and either lunch or dinner. A drink is provided with the lunch or dinner. We often include other tastings and afternoon teas (high tea), coffees, tastings at markets etc all of which are included when mentioned on an itinerary. Please look at the list of inclusions at the bottom of the page to check what exactly is included on the tour you are on.

We include a drink with every meal comprising a soft drink or a beer (and in Europe, a glass of wine is offered). We also include other drinks when mentioned, such as cocktails, aperitifs, coffees and teas as these are often part of the experience.

On some days there may be a signature menu from a certain chef which we include as a set menu, but we cater to all dietary concerns provided we are told about them in advance of the tour.

We consider eating one of the great joys of life (hence us even having a page dedicated to eating on our website) and in most of the countries you are visiting, food is not just food, it is the reason that people come together, the way in which people socialise; so we are particularly careful when choosing restaurants. 

Do you organise international flights?

Generally we don’t organise flights as we recognise that many people have accumulated air miles, have a preferred airline and preferred route they like to travel. It may also be that people are travelling before and after their trip and want to set up their flights on different dates. Please note, we do include any flights which happen whilst you are on tour. That is included in the overall price.

However, for those of you who would like this service, we do have a sister company through which flights can be set up for you, should you so wish, you just have to let us know when you book. And on all our trips, the transfer from the airport and back to the airport in the country you are visiting, is included. 

Do I have to pay a deposit?

Yes, upon signing up to the tour you will be asked to pay a 25% deposit and sign booking terms and conditions. With the exception of an admin fee, this is refundable provided it falls within the time periods detailed in our terms and conditions. 

Do I need travel insurance?

Yes. We tell everyone they must get travel insurance the moment they book a trip. This covers you should you need to cancel, should you fall ill in on the trip, should you lose your luggage and everything in between. We also recommend that you check that you have Covid protection for both pre-departure and whilst on the trip, so that if you fall sick with Covid before leaving, meaning you can’t travel, that you are covered by your insurance. Similarly the insurance should cover you were you to become seriously ill with Covid and require medical care. In some countries, travel insurance is required in order to allow you to visit.

Please note, we do include medical insurance, as part of our service. This covers you up to $50,000. However, we strongly advise you to get additional insurance for the above reasons.

what about vaccinations?

For Europe no vaccinations are required. For other countries it is on a case by case basis and you will be informed of vaccinations required when you sign up to the trip. This is a helpful website in the meantime, which is kept up to date about what vaccinations and/or other medications may be required for certain destinations:

What about passports and visas?

Visas are on a case by case and country by country basis, determined by your nationality and the host country’s rules and procedures. Please check what is required well in advance of your trip and please also ensure that your passport has at least six months left on it for the date you return to your country of origin. Whilst this is not the rule across the board, it applies to many countries, so we consider it a good rule of thumb. Given that it can take a while to obtain a passport and/or visa, we recommend looking into this as one of the first things you do upon signing up for a trip