Welcome to diamond skies travel

If you think of the word luxury, you most likely think of certain cars, watches, houses, hotels, clothes etc. Well, for me luxury does mean lovely hotels, great meals and all the more obvious connotations of the word. But the biggest and most precious luxury we have is time. At the end of their lives people do not regret not having enough cars, houses, watches etc, but they can often regret how they spent their time and wish it back. So when I set up Diamond Skies Travel as a luxury company this was because yes our trips do include beautiful hotels, exclusive access and activities and private outings, but more than anything when we say we are a luxury company we also mean it because we are giving you back your precious and priceless time.


How? Well, we do all the hard bits whilst freeing you up to dream. When I have explained to some people what we do, they have responded “Oh, but I wouldn’t want to have someone plan my trip, as that’s part of the fun” to which I always respond, “the fun is the dreaming, picturing yourself in the places, looking at the photos; creating the ‘trailer’ in your mind.It is infinitely less fun to study reviews and wonder if bots wrote them, find yourself exhausted by decision fatigue and frustrated as you try to book each and every part of the trip, worrying about making the wrong call”. 

We listen to your dreams and we do all the behind the scenes part. And if you are someone with a blank canvas approach, equally there, we love to create a masterpiece from talking to you and understanding your wishes. We then create a unique, personalised, curated trip; a portrait of you.

I set up Diamond Skies Travel because I worked for many years as a tour guide and tour manager, seeing all that was wrong with the travel world. I wanted to make travel the magical thing I experienced as a child. I wasn’t looking to reinvent the wheel, I just wanted to do it better hence our motto: Travel Better. 

We value you and your time. We are here to help create your future memories, precious, cherished and ever to be repeated and replayed memories. And in each trip, there is a part of us as we pour our hearts and soul into our work because travel has been so essential to all of us and something that has been our raison d’être and we want to share that with you.

We look forward to seeing you out there soon.

Lucy Ryan

Founder and Director of Diamond Skies Travel, Lucy spent many years living in Italy, Spain and France before returning to live once again in England. She has a true joie de vivre and set up the company because she wanted others to experience the wonderful world of travel the way she has.

She is aunt to two amazing nieces who are following in her footsteps and studying Spanish. She likes to read, write, hike and cook in her spare time. Lucy’s favourite expression is ‘Dolce Far Niente’, the sweet art of doing nothing, and loves nothing more than sitting in a cafe in a piazza with a drink in hand, watching the world go by. La Dolce Vita indeed!


On the Camino de Santiago