
Tanzania is best known as being home to Mount Kilimanjaro, the tallest mountain in Africa, as well as being home to the world famous Serengeti. It’s also home to the Great Migration (and we’re not just talking the human visitors ;-) ) as 1.5 million wildebeest leave Tanzania to head for the Maasai Mara in Kenya in the summer months and then the place to where they return come October/November. The Mara crossing is the most famous part of the journey as the Wildebeest brave crocodiles and other animals as they make their way to new pastures. An astonishing 30% of Tanzania is National parks. It’s a place you can enjoy luxury lodges or ‘glamping’, camping out in luxury, under the stars, in its national parks and reserves.

Tanzania is also home to the Ngorongoro Crater, one of Africa’s Seven Natural Wonders and considered the World’s Eight Wonder. It is well-deserving of its reputation. Given its enclosed nature, an entire ecosystem operates in there meaning great game viewing opportunities. And to top it off, it also has one of the densest population of lions.

Perhaps less known outside of Africa, is its reputation for coffee culture and coffee beans are grown in the Arusha and Kilimanjaro regions and you can visit the coffee plantations to see what all the fuss is about. And if you prefer something a little stronger, then there are also many breweries including one which produces Kilimanjaro Beer. To soak up all that liquid you can indulge in Chapatis, a food more commonly associated with India, but also found all over Tanzania.

And, as if the above wasn’t enough, the cherry on the cake is Zanzibar. Beautiful blue waters home to colourful fish, dolphins and whale sharks. There are opportunities to just soak up the beautiful coastline along Jambiani’s beaches where you can also visit the local villages. Or enjoy a spot of diving or kite surfing.

Our only question remains, what are you waiting for? Contact us now to find out more.