
I can’t say what made me fall in love with Vietnam – that a woman’s voice can drug you; that everything is so intense. The colours, the taste, even the rain.’

(Graham Greene)

Vietnam is every bit as wonderful as you hear. It’s one of those places that people say ‘Oh you must go’ and you may worry it won’t live up to the hype. But it does. One of the best things about it is that it has something for everyone. Whether that’s busy metropolises with zooming mopeds conveying the Vietnamese about their daily business, whilst people stand among the traffic, catching up with their neighbour, seemingly unaware of the frantic traffic around them. It’s beautiful rice fields in impossibly vivid greens and yellow. It’s absolutely delicious food from the upmarket to the hole in the wall, all delivering. And that’s before we mention the glorious beaches and islands reminiscent of a Bond film.

But other than the food, the scenery and fun activities, the thing that really shines through about Vietnam is its people. Considering the difficult times that they have lived through, they, as is the case across South East Asia, remain the most positive, delightful, welcoming and forgiving people you could wish to meet. A testament to the triumph of the wonderful positivity of the human spirit.

It’s a country with which we have all fallen in love and one we invite you to explore with us.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can set up your Vietnamese tour.